Sunday, August 30, 2009

oh it is love . . .

i was looking through one of my favourite blogs " Sea of Shoes " and saw these beautys . . and basically feel thought if only these could pop up right beside be . . like who wouldn't want too have these babys in their closet .
ugh . . just breath taking!


  1. Yes indeed! They are quite gorgeous!
    "suffer for fashion" Of montreal
    Please visit our blog at:
    comments/followers/whatevs are greatly appreciated!! :))


  2. i got a strange award on my blog, and i had to pick six other to pass it along to. I didnt know what the award was for, so i just picked six of my favorite blogs, and you were one of them! check it out on my blog :D

  3. just what I thought!! I was like: aaarrghhh someone has Balmain!!!
